In Doglegs, a renegade Tokyo pro-wrestling league, the disabled battle the able-bodied in the name of smashing stereotypes. The star of the league (and film) is “Sambo” Shintaro, a Tokyo janitor. After 20 glorious years in the ring, he's getting old and ready to retire, but “Antithesis” Kitajima, the league’s head organizer and Shintaro’s oldest rival, has other plans. Kitajima, who founded the league and has no disabilities, believes that sparing his disabled opponents the kid gloves in the ring is a sign of respect. When Shintaro challenges Kitajima to one final fight, Kitajima accepts with one condition: that the winner, and only the winner, can retire.
Doglegs (2015)
Directed by Heath Cozens
Genres - Action-Adventure, Documentary, Drama |
Release Date - Apr 27, 2015 |
Run Time - 90 min. |
Countries - Japan |
MPAA Rating - NR
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