Die Nacht der Königin Isabeau (1920)

Genres - Drama, History, Silent Film  |   Sub-Genres - Historical Film, Silent Film  |   Release Date - Nov 18, 1920  |   Run Time - 50 min.  |  
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Description by Wikipedia

The Night of Queen Isabeau is a 1920 German silent historical drama film directed by Robert Wiene and starring Fern Andra, Fritz Kortner, Hans Heinrich von Twardowski and Elsa Wagner. The film depicts the marriage between the mad Charles VI of France and his wife Queen Isabeau. It was shot at the Babelsberg Studios in Berlin. The film is now considered a lost film, but contemporary reviews praised Wiene's direction. The story revolves around insanity, a common theme in his films.

Movie Info




Narrative Location: Paris

Alternate Titles

Die Nacht der Königin Isabeau