Day and Night

Day and Night (2010)

Genres - Drama  |   Release Date - Oct 8, 2010  |   Run Time - 101 min.  |   MPAA Rating - NR
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Description by Wikipedia

Tag und Nacht is a 2010 Austrian film directed by Sabine Derflinger. The film won Best Costume at Diagonale 2011, Best Lead Actor for Anna Rot at the New York International Film Festival in 2011, and the best narrative at the Geneva Film Festival in 2012. The film concerns two Austrian women, played by Anna Rot and Magdalena Kronschläger, who consider prostitution an adventure until harsh reality intervenes.

Movie Info

Box Office



Blick, Prostitution


Narrative Location: Vienna
Subject: prostitution

Alternate Titles

Day and Night
, AU, GB, US
Gündüz ve Gece
Tag Und Nacht
Tag und Nacht