Dark House

Dark House (2009)

Genres - Horror, Thriller  |   Sub-Genres - Ghost Film  |   Release Date - Apr 19, 2009  |   Run Time - 85 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |   MPAA Rating - R
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Description by Wikipedia

Dark House is a supernatural horror film directed by Darin Scott and stars Jeffrey Combs, Meghan Ory and Diane Salinger with Matt Cohen, Shelly Cole,

Danso Gordon, Ryan Melander, Bevin Prince, Meghan Maureen McDonough and Scott Whyte. The film was scripted by Darin Scott with the story created by Kerry Douglas Dye and Darin Scott.

The movie was produced by Mark Sonoda and Nick Allan. Dark House opened theatrically for one week engagements on Friday, July 30 in New York City, Dallas and San Francisco and

was released on DVD September 28, 2010.

Movie Info


Haunted House, Walston Rey

Alternate Titles

Dark House
Mračna Kuća
Темный дом
ダーク・ハウス 戦慄迷館