Cooking with Stella is a 2009 film written by siblings Deepa Mehta and Dilip Mehta. The film is a light comedy about a Canadian diplomat and her husband living in New Delhi, and their cook, Stella. Indian actress Shriya Saran makes a special appearance. Cooking with Stella was shot on location in New Delhi, and entered post-production in May 2008. It premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on 16 September 2009. The film was also nominated at London Asian Film Festival under Best Crossover film category and best actress for Seema Biswas.
Cooking with Stella (2010)
Directed by Dilip Mehta
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
New Delhi, Stella
Narrative Location: Delhi
Alternate Titles
Cooking with Stella
La cuisine de Stella
Una stella in cucina