Capital I is a 2015 Odia language independent feature film written and directed by Amartya Bhattacharyya. This film, tagged as an existential psychodrama, is the first independent feature film of Odisha. The film is produced by Susant Misra and Swastik Choudhury. This film is shot on a shoe-string budget without any film industry involvement. This film marks the feature film debut of Amartya Bhattacharyya as a writer, director, cinematographer and editor. All actors in this film are non-professional actors, and all of them make their feature film debut in ‘Capital I’. Kisaloy Roy makes his debut as a music director, and so does Amrita Chowdhury as a Choreographer.
Capital I (2016)
Directed by Amartya Bhattacharyya
Description by Wikipedia
Alternate Titles
Capital I