Camp Blood is a 1999 American direct-to-video slasher film, written and directed by Brad Sykes. It was followed by seven official sequels, one official spin-off entitled "Ghost of Camp Blood" and one unofficial film entitled Within the Woods. Camp Blood stars Jennifer Ritchkoff as a young woman who travels to a deserted camp with her friends, only to find themselves at the mercies of a killer clown. The film had a home video release on April 4, 2000, and was released to DVD in 2002.

Camp Blood (2000)
Directed by Brad Sykes
Genres - Comedy Drama, Horror |
Sub-Genres - LGBT-Related Film, Slasher Film |
Release Date - Apr 4, 2000 |
Run Time - 73 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Camp Blood Stars Jennifer Ritchkoff, Killer Clown, Splatter, Violent, Wood, Woods
Filming Location: Los Angeles
Subject: serial killer
Subject: serial killer
Alternate Titles
Camp Blood
Camp Blood: campamento sangriento
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