Cóndor Crux, la leyenda, also known as Cóndor Crux, is a 2000 Argentine animated science fiction adventure film written and directed by Juan Pablo Buscarini and Swan Glecer. The film combines 2D animation with 3D computer-generated backgrounds, in a style similar to the American-made Titan A.E. (2000), which was still production at the time of Cóndor Crux's release. The film received mixed-to-positive reviews and won a Silver Condor Award for Best Animated Film, but was a failure at the box-office. It is currently available on Disney+ in Latin America.
Cóndor Crux, la leyenda (2000)
Directed by Pablo Holcer / Swan Glecer / Juan Pablo Buscarini
Genres - Action-Adventure, Animation, Science Fiction |
Sub-Genres - Animated Film |
Release Date - Jan 6, 2000 |
Run Time - 88 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Box Office
Best Animated, Buenos Aires, Silver Condor
Alternate Titles
Cóndor Crux
Condor Crux