Bugged by a Bee is a 1969 Warner Bros. Looney Tunes animated cartoon directed by Robert McKimson. It starred Cool Cat, and was the final cartoon from the original Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies series to bear the Looney Tunes name, and the last from that era to be widely released. One more cartoon, Injun Trouble, would follow Bugged by a Bee, but it was in the Merrie Melodies series.
Bugged by a Bee (1969)
Directed by Robert McKimson
Genres - Animation, Comedy, Family |
Sub-Genres - Animated Short |
Release Date - Jul 26, 1969 |
Run Time - 6 min. |
MPAA Rating - G
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Bee, Cool Cat, Era, Injun Trouble, Looney Tunes Name, Merrie Melodies, Warner Bros
Alternate Titles
Bugged by a Bee