Bosko the Musketeer is an American animated short film. It is a Looney Tunes cartoon, featuring Bosko, the first star of the series. It was released on August 12, 1933, although some sources note September 16 as a date; this is problematic, as that would imply that the last films featuring Bosko as the star of Warner Bros. cartoons were released after the first film featuring Buddy, the second star of the series. It was, like most Looney Tunes of the time, directed by Hugh Harman; Frank Marsales was the musical director.
Bosko the Musketeer (1933)
Directed by Hugh Harman
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Bosko, Film Based On A Novel, Looney Tunes, Star
Based On: The Three Musketeers
Alternate Titles
Bosko el mosquetero
Bosko the Musketeer
Looney Tunes #12 (1932-1933 Season): Bosko the Musketeer