Border War: The Battle Over Illegal Immigration

Border War: The Battle Over Illegal Immigration (2006)

Genres - Documentary  |   Release Date - Aug 31, 2006  |   Run Time - 95 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |  
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Border War: The Battle Over Illegal Immigration is a 2006 documentary film, written, produced and directed by Kevin Knoblock. The film tells the stories of five people whose lives have been affected by illegal immigration along the U.S.-Mexico border. They are J.D. Hayworth, a Republican congressman from Arizona, Teri March, widow of Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy David March, who was murdered by an illegal immigrant in 2002, U.S. Border Patrol agent Jose Maheda, Border Angels founder and activist for undocumented migrants Enrique Morones, and Lupe Moreno, a female Hispanic member of the Minuteman Project.

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United States


Subject: immigration to the United States

Alternate Titles

Border War
Border War: The Battle Over Illegal Immigration