Body Wars was a motion simulator attraction inside the Wonders of Life pavilion at the Walt Disney World Resort's Epcot. Riders would be taken on a mission by the fictional Miniaturized Exploration Technologies corporation to study the effects of the white blood cells on a splinter inside the left index finger of a volunteer. The attraction used the Advanced Technology Leisure Application Simulator technology previously seen at Disneyland's Star Tours attraction. The ride is no longer in operation along with the other attractions inside the Wonders of Life pavilion, which opened on October 19, 1989, and closed on January 1, 2007.
Body Wars (1989)
Directed by Leonard Nimoy
Genres - Action-Adventure, Family, Science Fiction |
Release Date - Oct 19, 1989 |
Run Time - 5 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Alternate Titles
Body Wars