Blazing the Western Trail is a 1945 American Western film directed by Vernon Keays and written by J. Benton Cheney. The film stars Charles Starrett, Tex Harding, Dub Taylor, Carole Mathews and Bob Wills. The film was released on September 18, 1945, by Columbia Pictures. This was the sixth of 65 films in the Durango Kid series.
Blazing the Western Trail (1945)
Directed by Vernon Keays
Genres - Western |
Sub-Genres - Western Film |
Release Date - Sep 18, 1945 |
Run Time - 60 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Business Rivalry, Murder
Alternate Titles
Blazing the Western Trail
Desbravadores do Oeste
For Seksløberens Domstol
Who Killed Waring?
, GB