Blade on the Feather is a television drama by Dennis Potter, broadcast by ITV on 19 October 1980 as the first in a loosely connected trilogy of plays exploring language and betrayal. A pastiche of the John Le Carré spy thriller and transmitted eleven months after Anthony Blunt was exposed as the 'fourth man', the drama combines two of Potter's major themes: the visitation motif and political disillusionment. The play's title is taken from "The Eton Boating Song".
Blade on the Feather (1980)
Directed by Richard Loncraine
Genres - Action-Adventure, Drama, Mystery-Suspense, Thriller |
Release Date - Oct 19, 1980 |
Run Time - 82 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Anthony Frederick Blunt, Betrayal, Eton Boating Song, Language, Man, Spy
Alternate Titles
Blade on the Feather
Deep Cover
Salade russe et crème anglaise