Bis nichts mehr bleibt

Bis nichts mehr bleibt (2010)

Genres - Drama  |   Release Date - Feb 2, 2010  |   Run Time - 91 min.  |  
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Description by Wikipedia

Until Nothing Remains is a German television film depicting a story about Scientology and its effects upon converts. In the film, a young couple are brought into Scientology by means of manipulation. "Eventually, the husband decides to leave the group, losing not only his wife in the process, but also his young child and a big portion of his family's inheritance, which his wife has donated to the church." The film is reportedly based on the real-life experiences of a German man named Heiner von Rönn.

Movie Info


Heiner Von Rönn, Husband

Alternate Titles

Bis nichts mehr bleibt
Gine und Frank
Míg végül semmid sem marad
Tatort: Der Tote im Sund
Till Faith Do Us Part