Big Man from the North is an American animated short film. It is a Looney Tunes cartoon, featuring Bosko, the first star of the series. It was released in January 1931, although some sources give an unspecified date in 1930. It was, like most Looney Tunes of the time, directed by Hugh Harman and Rudolf Ising; Frank Marsales was the musical director.
Big Man from the North (1931)
Directed by Hugh Harman / Rudolf Ising
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
American, Anthropomorphism, Applause, Bosko, Cabin, Dog Sled, Frank Marsales, Knife, Looney Tune, Looney Tunes, Man, North, Police Officer, Rector, Saloon, Sergeant, Short, Singing, Star, Villain
Narrative Location: North America
Alternate Titles
Big Man from the North
Looney Tunes #6: Big Man from the North