Barumbadings is a 2021 Philippine black comedy crime action film written and directed by Darryl Yap. It stars Joel Torre, Jeric Raval, Mark Anthony Fernandez, Baron Geisler and John Lapus. The film is about a three gay gangsters mourn the death of their gay guardian, but ends up celebrating his bright and colorful life. The main characters are named after the main members of the SexBomb Girls and their manager, Joy Cancio.
Barumbadings (2021)
Directed by Darryl Yap
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Baron Geisler, Darryl Yap, Gay-Related, Jeric Raval, Joel Torre, John Lapus, Joy Cancio, Mark Anthony Fernandez, Sexbomb Girls
Alternate Titles
Barumbadings: Vol 1. Dead Mother, Dead All