An Affair of the Skin is a 1963 drama film written and directed by Ben Maddow. It is a complex story of the romantic entanglements of its several characters as seen through the eyes of a black woman photographer. Shortly after its release, the film was harshly reviewed in Time and The New York Times. Woody Haut's more recent characterization is more sympathetic:...a worthy, if not altogether successful, attempt at being an American art movie, a hodgepodge of influences, from Italian Realists, Antonioni and Bergman to US social conscience films and documentarists like Robert Flaherty. Written, produced and directed by former documentarist and Hollywood scriptwriter Ben Maddow, the film was, for the most part, shot on the streets of New York, and memorable for its sensuousness, its street-level camera-work and use of natural light.
An Affair of the Skin (1963)
Directed by Ben Maddow
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Filming Location: New York City
Narrative Location: New York City
Narrative Location: New York City
Alternate Titles
An Affair of the Skin