After Winter, Spring is 2012 documentary film, produced, directed and narrated by Judith Lit. It stars Nanou Bouchat, Charlotte Brajot, Isabelle Brajot, Frédéric Coté, Isabelle Coté, Ginette Delibie, Marie-Louise Gourdon, Guy Phélip, Alain Rabeau, Alfred Tripied, and Dylan Veyret. Set in the Périgord region of southwest France, the film follows the lives of farming families and individuals in the community as they confront challenges that the changing geopolitical and economic landscapes pose. Judith Lit, who moved to a town with 100 people in the Périgord region in 1999, found inspiration for the film after she recognized the similarities between the family farmer communities of this new home and her home town in Pennsylvania. As Lit captures the story of these families, she also narrates her own story.
After Winter, Spring (2015)
Directed by Judith Lit
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Filming Location: shot in France
Subject: agriculture, Documentary about agriculture
Subject: agriculture, Documentary about agriculture
Alternate Titles
After Winter, Spring
Après l'hiver, le printemps