A Witch's Tangled Hare is a 1959 Warner Bros. Looney Tunes theatrical cartoon short directed by Abe Levitow. The short was released on Halloween of 1959, and stars Bugs Bunny. Mel Blanc provides the voices for Bugs Bunny and Sam Crubish, while an uncredited June Foray voices Witch Hazel. The cartoon makes a number of references to various plays written by William Shakespeare.
A Witch's Tangled Hare (1959)
Directed by Abe Levitow
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Cameo, Cartoon Rabbit, Short, Transformation, Witch, Witch Hazel
Subject: Animated about rabbits and hares
Alternate Titles
A Witch's Tangled Hare
Bruxa Shakespeariana
Ser o no ser bruja