A Tornado in the Saddle is a 1942 American Western film directed by William Berke and written by Charles F. Royal. The film stars Russell Hayden, Dub Taylor, Alma Carroll, Bob Wills, Tris Coffin and Donald Curtis. The film was released on December 15, 1942, by Columbia Pictures.
A Tornado in the Saddle (1942)
Directed by William Berke
Genres - Western |
Release Date - Dec 15, 1942 |
Run Time - 59 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Action, Bailey, Bill Bailey, Building, City, Comedy, Cowboy, Crandall, Crestview, Dalton Gang, Dramatic, Gold, Hayden, Head, His Texas Playboys, Hopalong Cassidy, Inspector, Lucky Crandall, Man, Music, Property, Ranch, Russell, Taylor, Tornado, Town, Veteran, Village
Alternate Titles
A Tornado in the Saddle
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