A Poem Is a Naked Person is a 1974 American documentary film directed by Les Blank, filmed in 1972–1974 but not publicly released until 2015, after Blank's death. The film is a documentary about musician Leon Russell, produced and financed largely by Russell and his then-business partner Denny Cordell. Blank spent a large portion of two years on the film, but then its release was delayed for 40 years due to creative differences and music clearance problems. Blank's son, Harrod Blank, spent years working on the clearances before it was shown publicly in 2015.

A Poem Is a Naked Person (1974)
Directed by Les Blank
Genres - Documentary |
Release Date - May 9, 1974 |
Run Time - 96 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - NR
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Box Office
Naked Person, Oklahoma, Russell
Narrative Location: Oklahoma, set in Oklahoma
Alternate Titles
A Poem is a Naked Person
A Poem Is a Naked Person