A Man and His Sin is a Canadian drama film, directed by Paul Gury and released in 1949. Adapted from Claude-Henri Grignon's 1933 novel Un homme et son péché, the film stars Hector Charland as Séraphin Poudrier, the wealthy but miserly mayor of the village of Sainte-Adèle, Quebec, Nicole Germain as Donalda Laloge, a village resident who was given in marriage to Séraphin as payment for a family debt even though she is actually in love with her boyfriend Alexis Labranche, and Ovila Légaré as the village priest Antoine Labelle.
A Man and His Sin (1949)
Directed by Paul Gury
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Séraphin Poudrier, Village
Based On:
Narrative Location: Quebec
Narrative Location: Quebec
Alternate Titles
A Man and His Sin
, GB, US