Çok Filim Hareketler Bunlar is a 2010 Turkish comedy film, directed by Ozan Açıktan and written and performed by the BKM theater players based on the group's theatre work and television series Çok Güzel Hareketler Bunlar, which consists of an assortment of sketches illustrating comic predicaments related to the summer holidays. The film, which went on nationwide general release across Turkey on March 26, 2010, was one of the highest-grossing Turkish films of 2010.

Çok Filim Hareketler Bunlar (2010)
Directed by Ozan Aciktan
Genres - Comedy |
Release Date - Mar 24, 2010 |
Run Time - 134 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Box Office
çok Güzel Hareketler Bunlar, Ozan Aç, Turkish
Narrative Location: set in Turkey, Turkey
Alternate Titles
Çok Filim Hareketler Bunlar
Scene di un'estate
Such Film Acts!
Это очень трогательный фильм