David Terence "Terry" Richards was a British actor and stuntman, best known for his appearance as the Arabian swordsman in the 1981 Indiana Jones film Raiders of the Lost Ark. During his career, Richards worked on over 100 productions across film and television; worked in nine James Bond films; fought as a stuntman in scenes with Indiana Jones, James Bond, Luke Skywalker and Rambo; and doubled for Donald Sutherland, Tom Selleck and Christopher Lee.
Terry Richards
Active - 1960 - 2017 |
Birth - Nov 2, 1932 |
Death - Jun 14, 2014 |
Genres - Action-Adventure, Drama, Comedy, Thriller, War
Subgenres - Spy Film, Cyberpunk, Dystopian Film, Epic Film, Heist Film
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David Terence Richards, Terence Richards, Terrence Richards, TR-
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