Steve Staley, also known as Steve Cannon, is an American voice actor known for providing voices for Japanese anime and video games. Some of his notable roles include Shūhei Hisagi and Tōshirō Hitsugaya in Bleach, Daisuke Aurora in Heat Guy J, Shiro Amada in Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team, Moondoggie in Eureka Seven, Kadaj in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Neji Hyuga and Shibuki in Naruto and Eiji Kikumaru in The Prince of Tennis.
Steve Staley
Active - 1987 - 2021 |
Birth - Aug 25, 1969 |
Genres - Action-Adventure, Animation, Anime, Fantasy, Comedy
Subgenres - Family Film, 3D Animated, Animated Film, Computer-Animated, Computer-Animated Film
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Scott Thompson, Steve Cannon, Steve Canon, Steve Stayley, Steven Staley, Ted Glason, Tony O'Donnell-
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Family Film, 3D Animated, Animated Film, Computer-Animated, Computer-Animated Film, Cyberpunk, Girls with Guns, Martial Arts Film, Action Comedy Film, Christmas Film, Christmas Specials, Drama Anime and Manga, Dystopian Film, Fantasy Anime and Manga, Mecha, Musical, Post-Apocalyptic Film, Prison Film, Romance Anime and Manga, Science Fiction Anime and Manga