Monte Blue was a film actor who began his career as a romantic lead in the silent era; and for decades after the advent of sound, he continued to perform as a supporting player in a wide range of motion pictures.

Monte Blue
Active - 1915 - 1965 |
Birth - Jan 11, 1887 |
Death - Feb 18, 1963 |
Genres - Drama, Romance, Western, Action-Adventure, Silent Film
Subgenres - Silent Film, Western Film, Silent Feature, Film Noir, Romantic Comedy
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G.M. Blue, Gerard Montgomery Blue-
All Genres
All Subgenres
Silent Film, Western Film, Silent Feature, Film Noir, Romantic Comedy, Musical, Biographical Film, Spy Film, Comedy Drama, Historical Film, Spy, Buddy Film, Chase, Epic Film, Propaganda Film, World War II Propaganda, American Football Film, Apocalyptic Film, Avant-Garde and Experimental, Baseball, Boxing Film, Christmas Film, Comedy of Remarriage, Heist Film, Pornographic Film, Psychological Thriller Film, Satire, Sport Film, Sports Comedy, Swashbuckler Film