Michael Biehn

Michael Biehn

Active - 1978 - 2024  |   Birth - Jul 31, 1956  |   Genres - Thriller, Drama, Action-Adventure, Horror, Science Fiction | Subgenres - Romantic Comedy, Teen Film, Buddy Film, Disaster Film, Girls with Guns

Biography by Wikipedia

Michael Connell Biehn is an American actor, primarily known for his military roles in science fiction films directed by James Cameron; as Sgt. Kyle Reese in The Terminator (1984), Cpl. Dwayne Hicks in Aliens (1986), and Lt. Coffey in The Abyss (1989). His other films include The Fan (1981), Navy SEALs (1990), Tombstone (1993), The Rock (1996), Megiddo: The Omega Code 2 (2001), and Planet Terror (2007). On television, he has appeared in Hill Street Blues (1984) and Adventure Inc. (2002–2003). Biehn received a Best Actor Saturn Award nomination for Aliens, and received The Life Career Award at the 2011 ceremony.

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