Helen Mack was an American actress. Mack started her career as a child actress in silent films, moving on to Broadway plays, and touring one of the vaudeville circuits. Her greater success as an actress was as a leading lady in the 1930s. Eventually Mack transitioned into performing on radio, and then into writing, directing, and producing some of the best known radio shows during the Golden Age of Radio. Later in life, Mack billed herself as a professional writer, writing for Broadway, stage, and television. Her career spanned the infancy of the motion picture industry, the beginnings of Broadway, the final days of Vaudeville, the transition to "talking pictures", the Golden Age of Radio, and the rise of television.

Helen Mack
Active - 1923 - 1945 |
Birth - Nov 13, 1913 |
Death - Aug 13, 1986 |
Genres - Drama, Romance, Comedy, Action-Adventure, Crime
Subgenres - Romantic Comedy, Comedy Drama, Musical, Silent Feature, Silent Film
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Helen Macks, Helen McDougall-
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