Hedda Hopper

Hedda Hopper

Active - 1916 - 2021  |   Birth - May 2, 1885  |   Death - Feb 1, 1966  |   Genres - Drama, Comedy, Romance, Silent Film, Crime | Subgenres - Silent Film, Silent Feature, Romantic Comedy, Comedy Drama, Musical

Biography by Wikipedia

Hedda Hopper was an American actress and gossip columnist. At the height of her power in the 1940s, her readership was 35 million. A strong supporter of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) hearings, Hopper named suspected communists and was a major proponent of the Hollywood blacklist. Hopper continued to write gossip until the end of her life, her work appearing in many magazines and later on radio. She had an extended feud with her arch-rival Louella Parsons and wore extravagant hats

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