John Henley Heathcote-Williams, known as Heathcote Williams, was an English poet, actor, political activist and dramatist. He wrote a number of book-length polemical poems including Autogeddon, Falling for a Dolphin and Whale Nation, which in 1988 became, according to Philip Hoare, "the most powerful argument for the newly instigated worldwide ban on whaling." Williams invented his idiosyncratic "documentary/investigative poetry" style which he put to good purpose bringing a diverse range of environmental and political matters to public attention. His last published work, American Porn was a critique of the American political establishment and the election of President Donald Trump: Publication date was the date of Trump's inauguration. In June 2015, he published a book-length investigative poem about the "Muslim Gandhi", Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, "Badshah Khan".

Heathcote Williams
Active - 1970 - 2023 |
Birth - Nov 15, 1941 |
Death - Jul 1, 2017 |
Genres - Drama, Romance, Comedy, Fantasy, Crime
Subgenres - Erotic Film, LGBT-Related Film, Post-Apocalyptic Film, Science Fiction Action Film, Biographical Film
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Erotic Film, LGBT-Related Film, Post-Apocalyptic Film, Science Fiction Action Film, Biographical Film, Black Comedy Film, Coming-Of-Age Fiction, Dystopian Film, Erotic Thriller, Family Film, Heist Film, Historical Drama, Historical Film, Medieval Film, Neo-Noir, Psychological Thriller Film, Serial Killer, Teen Film, Treasure Hunt Film