Ellen Rose Albertini Dow was an American film and television character actress and drama coach. She portrayed feisty old ladies and is best known as the rapping grandmother Rosie in The Wedding Singer (1998), performing "Rapper's Delight". Dow's other film roles include elderly lady Mary Cleary who "outs" her grandson in Wedding Crashers, Disco Dottie in 54, the recipient of Christopher Lloyd's character's slapstick in Radioland Murders and a choir nun in Sister Act. She was best known to small screen audiences for her guest appearances on sitcoms The Golden Girls and Will & Grace.

Ellen Albertini Dow
Active - 1985 - 2015 |
Birth - Nov 16, 1913 |
Death - May 4, 2015 |
Genres - Comedy, Drama, Romance, Action-Adventure, Crime
Subgenres - Black Comedy Film, Buddy Film, Comedy Drama, Musical, Romantic Comedy
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Ellen Albertini-Dow, Ellen Dow, Ellen Rose Albertini-
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