David J. Schow

Active - 1990 - 2019  |   Birth - Jan 1, 1955  |   Genres - Horror, Documentary, Comedy, Thriller, Biography | Subgenres - Slasher Film, Animated Cartoon, Animated Documentary, Comedy Horror, Serial Killer

Biography by Wikipedia

David J. Schow is an American author of horror novels, short stories, and screenplays.

His credits include films such as The Crow and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning. Most of Schow's work falls into the subgenre splatterpunk, a term he is sometimes credited with coining. In the 1990s, Schow wrote Raving & Drooling, a regular column for Fangoria magazine. All 41 installments were collected in the book Wild Hairs (2000), winning the International Horror Guild's award for best non-fiction in 2001.

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