Colm Magner

Active - 1997 - 2013  |   Birth - Aug 18, 1961  |   Genres - Drama, Science Fiction, Comedy, Family, Thriller | Subgenres - Splatter Film, Teen Film, Zombie Film, Biographical Film, Christmas Film

Biography by Wikipedia

Colm Magner is a Canadian actor, writer, and director currently residing in New York City. Colm previously lived in Prince Edward Island, Canada, where he taught acting, playwriting, and academic writing at the University of Prince Edward Island. He served as the theatre critic for The Guardian Newspaper P.E.I. from 2016-2018. He has worked in theatre, television, and film in Canada since 1982, during which time he worked with several of Canada's theatre companies including Da Da Kamera, DNA Theatre, and with DD Kugler, director and former dramaturge for the Necessary Angel Theatre Company.

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