Austin Stoker

Austin Stoker

Active - 1970 - 2022  |   Birth - Oct 7, 1930  |   Death - Oct 7, 2022  |   Genres - Action-Adventure, Thriller, Drama, Horror, Science Fiction | Subgenres - Blaxploitation Film, Detective Film, Disaster Film, Dystopian Film, Exploitation Film

Biography by Wikipedia

Austin Stoker is a Trinidadian-American actor known for his role as Lt. Ethan Bishop, the police officer in charge of the besieged Precinct 9, Division 13, in John Carpenter's Howard Hawks-inspired, 1976 film, Assault on Precinct 13. This was one of the few heroic starring roles for a black actor in an action film of the 1970s outside of the blaxploitation genre.

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