You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown is the eighth prime-time animated TV special produced based upon the comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz, and the 10th one to air. It originally aired on CBS on October 29, 1972, nine days before the 1972 United States presidential election between incumbent Richard Nixon and Senator George McGovern. It was the first new Peanuts special to air since the spring of 1971.
You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown (1972)
Directed by Bill Melendez
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Cbs Corporation, Columbia Broadcasting System, Comic, Election, Peanuts, Popular, Special
Part of Collection
Alternate Titles
Du bist auserwählt, Charlie Brown
È tempo di elezioni, Charlie Brown
No eres elegido, Charlie Brown
Sinua ei valittu, Jaska Jokunen
Viva Nosso Presidente Lino
Você Não Foi Eleito, Charlie Brown
You're Elected, Charlie Brown
, US