You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown is the 29th prime-time animated musical television special based upon the comic strip Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz. This adaptation of the 1967 musical You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown originally aired on the CBS network on November 6, 1985, and rebroadcast on June 14, 1988. The special was produced by Charles M. Schulz Creative Associates and Mendelson-Melendez Productions.
You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown (1985)
Directed by Sam Jaimes
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Based On Comic, Cartoon Dog, Charlie Brown, Little Known Facts, Lucy, Marcie, Peanuts, Schroeder, Snoopy
Part of Collection
Alternate Titles
Eres un buen hombre, Charlie Brown
Olet hyvä mies, Jaska Jokunen
Snobben - Det svänger!
Você é um Bom Garoto, Charlie Brown
You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown
You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown