World War III is a 1998 German alternate history television pseudo-documentary, directed by Robert Stone and distributed by ZDF. An English version was also made, which aired on TLC in May 1999. It depicts what might have transpired if, following the overthrow of Mikhail Gorbachev, Soviet troops, under orders from a new hard-line regime, had opened fire on demonstrators in Berlin in the fall of 1989 and precipitated World War III. The film mixes real footage of world leaders and archive footage of combat exercises and news events, with newly shot footage of citizens, soldiers, and political staff.
WW III: World War III (1998)
Directed by Robert Stone
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Citizen, Collaboration, Demonstrator, Event, Exercise, Fire, First World War, Leader, Overthrow, Soldier, Staff, World
Time Period: 4/1/1990 12:00:00 AM
Alternate Titles
Der 3. Weltkrieg
Der dritte Weltkrieg
World War Three
, US
WW III: World War III