Where Are You Going Moshé? is a Moroccan-Canadian film directed by Hassan Benjelloun and released in 2007. Set up in the small town of Boujad, the movie depicts the turmoil created in a small town after the exodus of the Jews of Morocco, especially between the last Jew in town, Shlomo, and the owner of the only bar in the town, Mustapha. The film, although a work of fiction, is shot in the style of a documentary. The plot was largely inspired by an original script by Ahmed Seffar Andaloussi.
Where Are You Going Moshé? (2007)
Directed by Hassan Ben Jalloun / Hassan Benjelloun
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Mashi Ya Moshe, Village
Alternate Titles
Finemachiyamoshé ?
Where Are You Going Moishe?