Vallavanukku Pullum Aayudham is a 2014 Indian Tamil-language action comedy film directed by Srinath and released by Studio Green on 9 May 2014. A remake of S. S. Rajamouli's successful Telugu film Maryada Ramanna (2010) which was based on Buster Keaton's Our Hospitality (1923), the film was jointly produced by PVP Cinema and Santhanam, who also played the lead role in it, alongside newcomer Ashna Zaveri. The music was composed by Siddharth Vipin.
Vallavanukku Pullum Aayudham (2014)
Directed by Srinath
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Buster Keaton, Cinema, Maryada Ramanna, Our Hospitality, Studio Green, Telugu
Alternate Titles
Vallavanukku Pullum Aayudham