Go for Sisters

Go for Sisters (2013)

Genres - Crime, Drama, Thriller  |   Release Date - Nov 8, 2013  |   Run Time - 123 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |   MPAA Rating - NR
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Go for Sisters is a 2013 American crime drama film written and directed by John Sayles. The title refers to the history of friendship between the two main characters: when they were in high school, the two African American women were so close they could "go for sisters". Sayles shot the film in 19 days, using 65 locations, for under a million dollars. The DVD was released in August 2014 and features a Director's Commentary in which Sayles talks at length about the art and craft of guerrilla film making.

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Bernice, Passion Fish, Rodney, Tijuana

Alternate Titles

Go for Sisters