Ill Manors is a 2012 British crime drama film written, co-scored and directed by Ben Drew AKA musician Plan B. The film revolves around the lives of eight main characters, played by Riz Ahmed, Ed Skrein, Keef Coggins, Lee Allen, Nick Sagar, Ryan De La Cruz, Anouska Mond and Natalie Press, and features six original songs by Plan B, which act as a narration for the film. Ill Manors is a multi-character story, set over the course of seven days, a scenario where everyone is fighting for respect. The film focuses on the violence that surrounds the main characters as they struggle to survive on the streets. Each story is also represented by a different rap song performed by Plan B.
Ill Manors (2012)
Directed by Plan B
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Box Office
Aaron, Forest Gate, Gang, London
Filming Location: London
Narrative Location: London
Subject: prostitution
Narrative Location: London
Subject: prostitution
Alternate Titles
Ill Manors
ill Manors - Rázós környék
Ill Manors - Stadt der Gewalt
La Cité de la violence
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