Return to Boggy Creek

Return to Boggy Creek (1977)

Genres - Action-Adventure, Drama, Family, Horror, Mystery-Suspense  |   Release Date - Jul 29, 1977  |   Run Time - 85 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |   MPAA Rating - PG
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Description by Wikipedia

Return to Boggy Creek is a 1977 adventure/horror film directed by Tom Moore. It is an unofficial sequel to The Legend of Boggy Creek and stars Dawn Wells and Dana Plato. Wells portrays the mother of three children who become lost in the swamp during a hurricane until the creature comes to their rescue.

Movie Info


Creature Feature, Hurricane, Independent Film, Redneck, Swamp, The Legend Of Boggy Creek


Narrative Location: Louisiana

Alternate Titles

Regreso a Boggy Creek
Return to Boggy Creek