Blonde Ambition is an American film released in December 2007 and inspired by the theme of the Academy Award-winning movie Working Girl, starring singer/actress Jessica Simpson playing the part of a small town girl who moves to New York City and rises up into a career as a business woman. The film also stars Luke Wilson, Paul Vogt and actor/comedian Andy Dick.
Before the movie started filming, the media reported that Blonde Ambition was a remake of the 1980s film Working Girl. After Simpson learned about this rumor, she talked to Empire Online and stated, "I don't know where that came from", "it's a movie called Blonde Ambition co-starring Luke Wilson. It's definitely the theme of Working Girl - this small town girl that moves to New York City to rise up into this great career as a business woman pretty much. But it's definitely not a remake." Simpson also said that this film is more of a knockabout comedy than the Melanie Griffith starrer, which was a drama genre movie.
The official trailer for the movie leaked to the Internet on early May 2007, a full version of a pre-release DVD was leaked on December 16, 2007.