The Lion in Winter

The Lion in Winter (1968)

Genres - Biography, Drama, Epic, Family, History  |   Sub-Genres - Christmas Film, Drama Fiction, Historical Film, LGBT-Related Film, Medieval Film  |   Release Date - Oct 30, 1968  |   Run Time - 134 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |   MPAA Rating - PG
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Description by Wikipedia

The Lion in Winter is a 1968 historical drama centred on Henry II of England and his attempt to establish a line of succession during a family gathering at Christmas 1183. His efforts unleash both political and personal turmoil among his estranged wife Eleanor of Aquitaine, their three surviving sons, the French king, and the king's half-sister Alais, who is Henry's mistress. The film stars Peter O'Toole and Katharine Hepburn, was directed by Anthony Harvey, written by James Goldman, and produced by Joseph E. Levine, Jane C. Nusbaum, and Martin Poll. Actors John Castle, Anthony Hopkins, Jane Merrow, Timothy Dalton and Nigel Terry appear in support.

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12th Century, British, Castle, Christmas, Eleanor, Eleanor Of Aquitaine, England, Henry, Homoeroticism, Infidelity, King, King Henry, King Henry Ii, Literary, Mistress, Queen, Throne, True Stories


Filming Location: Wales
Narrative Location: France
Subject: dysfunctional family

Alternate Titles

Il leone d'inverno
Un lion en hiver
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