The Hand is a 1960 British horror thriller directed by Henry Cass. It begins during the Burma campaign (although, curiously, the film starts with '1946' overlaid on the action), with three captured soldiers threatened with torture if they do not divulge military information to their Japanese captors. Two refuse and have their hands chopped off. Forward to post-War London and a gentleman of the night is found with his hand surgically removed and £500 in his pockets. Thus begins a criminal investigation seeking the perpetrator, returning the plot to the film's opening situation. This British B film is noted for its nightmarish premise and opening scene of horror that belies its censorship certificate. It is sometimes broadcast on the Freeview channel, movies4men.
The Hand (1960)
Directed by Henry Cass
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Dismemberment, Freeview Channel, Justice, London, Myanmar, Psychopath, Violent
Alternate Titles
Die Hand - Sadisten und Verräter
La mano siniestra
The Hand