One undred ears fter ram toker’s racula comes new ind f ampire tory. nthony Yan irch) s modern loodsucker ho ses is opular ock and s front o ure eautiful young roupies o is air. is ssistant Reed Alex rkiletian) disposes f he odies f hese ubile unsuspecting ictims fter nthony educes nd ills hem. s result f is loody ifestyle Anthony oon ontracts deadly irus. eed ust ry o ave is aster rom fate orse han eath. art ark atire part orror-comedy SUCKER s ruly rock n oll ampire ale or he 0’s.

Sucker (1998)
Directed by Hans Rodionoff
Genres - Comedy, Horror |
Sub-Genres - Vampire Film |
Release Date - Jan 22, 1998 |
Run Time - 91 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Studio
Movie Info
Official Site
Ale, Alex, Art, Ear, Front, Ram, Result, Ry, Ssistant Reed, Yan
Subject: AIDS, necrophilia
Alternate Titles
, US
Sucker the Vampire
, US
Sucker, el vampiro