The Feasts of Belshazzar, or a Night with Stalin or is a 1989 film adaptation of Fazil Iskander's eponymous novella directed by Yuri Kara. In the 1990s the film was screened in the United States, including at the United States Congress. The title is a reference to Belshazzar's feast, a chapter of the Book of Daniel.

Piry Valtasara, ili noch so Stalinym (1989)
Directed by Yuriy Kara
Genres - Drama, History |
Sub-Genres - Historical Film |
Release Date - Nov 6, 1989 |
Run Time - 88 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Based On:
Narrative Location: Soviet Union
Narrative Location: Soviet Union
Alternate Titles
Baltazar's Feasts or The Night With Stalin
Piry Valtasara Ili Noch So Stalinim
Piry Valtasara, ili Noch so Stalinym
The Feasts of Valtasar, or The Night with Stalin
Пиры Валтасара, или Ночь со Сталиным