The Stunt Woman

The Stunt Woman (1996)

Genres - Action-Adventure, Drama  |   Release Date - Oct 10, 1996  |   Run Time - 95 min.  |  
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Description by Wikipedia

The Stunt Woman is a 1996 Hong Kong action film directed by Ann Hui, and produced by Raymond Chow, Catherine Hun and Ka-Foo Lau. It stars Michelle Yeoh and Sammo Hung as stunt workers toiling behind the scenes of the film industry with little recognition of the work they do or the danger it entails. The film's postscript details the serious injury which Yeoh suffered after misjudging a stunt leaping from an overpass onto a moving truck, leaving her seriously injured. The film is dedicated to her, and to the other stunt workers who inspired the film.

Movie Info


China, Heart, Hong Kong, Job, Martial Artist, Promising, Rector, Side, Supportive, Woman


Filming Location: shot in

Alternate Titles

Ah Kam
, EC, HK
Stunt Woman
The Stunt Woman
, CA, HK, ES, GB, US
, HK