The Intruder

The Intruder (1933)

Genres - Horror, Mystery-Suspense  |   Release Date - Mar 13, 1933  |   Run Time - 66 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |   MPAA Rating - NR
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Description by Wikipedia

The Intruder is a 1933 Pre code comedy crime film directed by Albert Ray and starring Monte Blue and Lila Lee, two silent screen veterans. The cast also featured Gwen Lee, Arthur Housman and Mischa Auer. Shot at the RKO-Pathé Studios in California, it was produced and distributed by the Poverty Row studio Allied Pictures. The picture survives in the Library of Congress collection.

Movie Info


Allied Pictures, Code, Comedy, Cruise Ship, Library Of Congress, Painting, Pré, Screen, Veteran

Alternate Titles

Horror in the Night
The Intruder